Home > Lab Testing > Allergies & Sensitivities

Immune Panel

Allergies & Sensitivities - Genova Diagnostics

Full profile provides 87 IgG to foods, 24 IgG Spices, 21 IgG Vegetarian foods, and IgEs to foods, molds and inhalants and Celiac panel.

Immune Profile

IgG Food Sensitivities

Mosaic Diagnostics

Tests for 190 different foods you might experiment a delayed immune response to. Includes gluten and gliadin, dairy, nuts, and much more!

Food Sensitivities Profile

Mycotox Mold Profile

Mosaic Diagnostics

MycoTOX screens for eleven different mycotoxins, from 40 species of mold, in one urine sample.

Mycotox Mold Profile